(*1983 Berlin)
Julia Klockow is a freelance choreographer, dancer & performer based in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.
Her work currently focuses on specific somatic practices of Bodymind Awareness and their effects on presence as well as choreographic material. She is also interested in interdisciplinary questions of the intersection of Instant Composition, Performance and Communication. Characteristic for her working method is a holistic, system-oriented attitude and the vision that performance practices initiate transformative processes.
She has danced in works by Alexandra Pirici (Art Basel 2019/ Kunsthalle Mannheim 2020), Mia Habib (Theater Freiburg, 2018), and Doris Uhlich (Boom 2017), as well as in her own work.
In 2020 she receives the mentorship scholarship for choreographers of tanznetz|freiburg and works with her mentor Margret Sarah Gudjonsdottir (Iceland/Berlin) on the theme of immersion in performative settings that question the power structure between audience and performers.
For 2021/2022 she is producing her first full-length stage play "vague" funded by the City of Freiburg, the Regierungspräsidium Baden-Württemberg and the LBBW Foundation.
She explores her interest in the junctions of Performance, Dance and Visual Arts mostly in off-spaces outside the classic black box, such as in the Kulturgarage L6 Freiburg in "Relation" for the visual artist Max Siebenhaar in 2019 and 2020 in DELPHI Space Freiburg. Gladly in interactive performative 1:1 settings like her performance "taskx" on 4m2 or "taskxy" at TEX 2020.
Besides her dance work, as a communication and sports scientist (M.A.) as well as mediamanager for tanznetz|freiburg, she constantly pursues her need to look at dance and the body from different angles.
Education: TIP - School for Dance, Improvisation & Performance 2016 - 2018 professional stage dancer. Free Music Center Munich: Further education in dance pedagogy 2016. TU Munich: M.A. Sports, Media & Communication 2010. University of Halle-Wittenberg: B.A. Sports Science 2008.
Portrait "Badische Zeitung" 19.03.2022